Keeping the Throne Hot

I’m told that traditionally, Japanese homes were not centrally heated and to cope with the cold, they use a number of strategies that include passive warming strategies like clothes and bedding (kakebuton) but also include active strategies like a heated bath (Ofuro) and the beloved communal seating area (kotatsu). But for anyone who’s had to use an outhouse mid-winter, the Japanese take throne comfort to a new level with electrically heated seats:


This plug-in, electrically heated toilet seat is deluxe!


In the cultural context, this extravagance makes sense given that the temperature in Japanese homes is significantly lower than homes in North America, but import that toilet here in North America and it seems out of place:

Les fesses chaude

The infrared image above shows the electrical loss into the room from the toilet seat. I imagine the Sensowash is an experience is an experience to behold! Depending on the model, it washes and air dries – no need for shit-tickets!